IT Youth of the Year Award
I am very happy to be the IT Youth Leader of the Year 2019 in Singapore for my industry and non-profit contribution in AI at, NUS, Deep Learning Wizard and NVIDIA! I would like to thank the professor who changed my life, believed in me...
To the future of AI in and beyond Africa
Helped to teach these students from The African Masters of Machine Intelligence (AMMI) by The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) with Alfredo Canziani. A unique pedagogy is required for deep learning beginning with intuition, culminating in just enough math, and ending with programming. This approached...
Recap of 2018 NExT++ AI Workshop
This is NExT++’s 3rd Workshop and this time we are looking at the applications and development of AI related technologies in the healthcare and finance verticals with the theme “AI in Health and Finance” Visual summary of my talk on AI and Unstructured Analytics in Fintech. Doesn’t contain everything,...
Recap of 2018 PyTorch Developer Conference
Proud of how far PyTorch has come. Thanks Soumith Chintala, it is a great journey and it just started. And thanks to Adam Paszke too! Finally got to catch up with Soumith Chintala, Alfredo Canziani and Marek Bardoński and found Andrej Karpathy! Back to Singapore tonight 🤗 Here are some...
NVIDIA Image Classification at NUS-NUHS-MIT Datathon
I held NVIDIA’s third deep learning workshop in NUS this year at the NUS-NUHS-MIT-Datathon! It’s amazing to see how deep learning is gaining traction in healthcare in Singapore. Fast forward 10 years and I see doctors working closely with deep learning algorithms. Kudos to fellow people delivering the other...
NVIDIA Object Detection with DIGITS 2018
I am holding NVIDIA’s second deep learning workshop in NUS after popular demand for the first one. Many problems have established deep learning solutions, but sometimes the problem that you want to solve does not. Learn to create custom solutions through the challenge of detecting whale faces from aerial images...
NVIDIA Image Classification with DIGITS 2018
As you know, I held NUS’ first NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Workshop. Feel free to follow our NUS NVIDIA Facebook page for more workshops! In this half-day Image Classification with DIGITS workshop, participants learnt to leverage deep neural networks (DNN) within the deep learning workflow to solve a...
NVIDIA Deep Learning Workshop 2018
I am holding NVIDIA’s first deep learning workshop in NUS :) In this half-day Image Classification with DIGITS workshop, you will learn to leverage deep neural networks (DNN) within the deep learning workflow to solve a real-world image classification problem using NVIDIA DIGITS. walk through the process of data...
I am an NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Instructor!
As you know that through my website and my deep learning courses (Deep Learning Wizard), I have been vigorously pushing for making deep learning more accessible to everyone. And I am thankful to announce that NVIDIA has given me the opportunity to be an NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI)...
Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch
I have launched a course on deep learning with PyTorch that gets you starting with the PyTorch framework as well as understanding the transition from PyTorch fundamentals all the way to more complicated deep learning models. Sign up here:! The course is specifically designed such that if you...
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